Scott’s Haze

Scott’s Haze, a captivating hybrid strain, emerges from the cross between Scott’s OG and Neville’s Haze. When these two strains unite you’ll encounter a strong presence of high potency from Scott’s OG and the potent old-school haziness of Neville’s Haze, that complements this blend. Expect an uplifting experience that stimulates creativity and focus. Highly resinous, lime green, large bract flowers are what you will expect a peak harvest time. These plants are perfect for SCROG (Screen of Green) setups .However, they will require heavy staking or a strong trellis due to their robust growth. Scott’s Haze flavor and aromatic profile may vary but often features delightful notes of lemon, gassy, kush, and dank haziness. Scott’s Haze thrives both indoors and outdoors. Requires a proficient grower. Trellising, ample lighting and robust nutrient management are recommended.

Genetics: Scott’s OG x Neville’s Haze

Flowering Time: 65 – 75 days

Type: Hybrid

Yield: High